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The True Dynamics of Life Book
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N E W S     R E L E A S E

New Book Explores Major Issues and


Mike Robinson takes the readers of his new, provocative and explanatory book on a journey – and he asks each of them to examine big issues on a deep level.  In the end, he concludes if you’re searching for the truth about life and the world, you will find it within yourself.

Mike, who knows first-hand about human suffering, was raised in an English orphanage from age three months until he was forced out when he turned 16.  Homeless and without family, without a complete education or a job, he survived despite the odds. In his personal pursuit to get a grip on his life, he confronted the questions we all struggle with on some level – Who am I?  What is my life’s purpose?  What’s the meaning of life?  He felt he discovered an understanding of these issues by his mid-20’s and for the last three decades he has offered answers in his presentations, coaching, and writings.

In his new self-development book, The True Dynamics of Life, which became a Top 100 Amazon best-seller (and ranked No. 1 in Personal Transformation titles and No. 2 in Self-help), Mike tackles the following issues:


·         How the current formation of society actually limits both personal and global growth.

·         Why organized religion fails to unite us.

·         How governments across the world have fallen short of their mission.

·         Why life is so chaotic – and how to stop the chaos.

·         How our minds have been conditioned and how we can set ourselves free from the traps of the mind to be our true selves

·         Defining what true love is and how to live it.

·         Understanding and eliminating the self-defeating illusions that control you.

·         What we’re responsible for when it comes to the  world.

·         What is the most important thing our world needs is.

·         Understanding how we impact others, with our beliefs, words, and actions.

The book is introspective in the sense that the answers to world problems begin with the self, and specifically looks at the solution to the human problem of separation, which it says creates antagonism and violence. Mike Robinson explains that the reason for the world’s wars, famines, impoverished peoples, and unchecked disease come because the world is in a state of chaos. The reason the world is in chaos is because as individuals we live in chaos. There are three primary traps that keep humanity in this state of chaos.  Most of the world is under the influence of one or more of these traps. This book explains what these traps are and how they can influence us.

“I have realized that it is not possible to take people to the truth, but it is possible to point out the facts which are leading them into greater suffering,” says Mike.  “In other words, this is a book for people who want real and lasting change, and not simply a mental shift from the negative to the positive.  It is for people who want to break free from these traps within which they live their lives, and to get in touch with the immensity of who they really are.”

Mike asserts several strong points, including the following:

  • You are the world and the world is you.  Only you can make it whole. In other words, we are not separate from one another.
  • There are three main traps that keep humanity repeating the same patterns, which causes chaos, but if you knew what these traps were you would not live life the same way again.
  • The source of our own suffering has its roots in our first point of pain, a moment in childhood when we experienced the full impact of non-love, which caused us to react in self-protection and created conditioning.  We have been repeating the pattern of conditioned self-protection, and living our lives from the standpoint of our beliefs ever since.  In other words, our life is lived from a point of fear.

 “The suffering I have seen in my life is what gave me the passion to find a solution to the inner and outer chaos of myself and others,” Mike says.  “I went through a deep reconsideration of my beliefs, judgments and conditioning. I realized that I was living a lie, which has brought me to where I am today and the writing of this book.”

Mike’s compelling message provides a sense of urgency.  He feels his breakthrough insights offer enlightenment and awareness that are both sorely needed today.  At the very least, he gets us questioning the big issues and makes us choose which way we will live our lives once we are confronted with a truth that no longer can remain concealed to us.

Mike acknowledges that it only seems we question life when things aren’t going well – a job loss, a break up, a family death.  He says we need to examine life even when it seems like for the moment all is wonderful and great.  He writes on this matter as follows:

“Many people only question life, the Universe, God, etc., when things become, problematic. When we are materially comfortable, and there is plenty of everything and a feeling of being on top of the world, we say how great life is and we do not probe deeply enough into the recesses of our being.  Yes, we may do charity work, or donate our unwanted things, but we do not really go inside and question exactly who we are.  The second life throws us a challenge, or we are struggling to survive, we curse the heavens in despair and say, ‘Why me?’  Humans have this habit of only questioning the reason for living when their very existence is being challenged and when life is no longer fulfilling their desires.”

He concludes: “You will not find any ‘systems’, ‘isms’, or ‘paths’ in this book, but what you will find is a mirror, and only by self-observation, deep resonant realization, and action upon the truth, can you set yourself free, and therefore set the world free.”

Publication Data: The True Dynamics of Life by Mike Robinson; 2010; 258 pages; Trade Paperback; ISBN:  987-0-9544478-5-4; Available: www.amazon.com, www.amazon.co.uk www.mikerobinson.eu.com, and at all booksellers.

Contact Information:  sara@mikerobinson.info Tel +44 1692 407324

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