Mike Robinson - Author. Press Kit :Ten Things before we can change the wor

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10 Things To Be Acknowledged

Before We Can Change the World


Mike Robinson, in his provocative but forward-thinking book, The True Dynamics of Life, claims there are 10 things we must acknowledge, as a human race, in order to move forward.

“You, as the individual, need to stop and look at yourself as you are, and acknowledge the illusions that keep the world spiralling as it is, off course,” says Robinson. “We murder, hate, fear and destroy so much and yet we also can love create beauty, exercise courage, and share with one another.  But the world’s troubles stem from the mind, society and religion, and in order to cease the pattern of problems we must acknowledge individual responsibility for this.”

Robinson’s book says the following needs to be acknowledged:

1.        The world is in chaos.

2.        You add to the chaos through your beliefs and your conditioning.

3.        You are caught in the trap of society because you are striving to be something other than what you are.

4.        Society is based on hierarchy, power, and wealth.

5.        Your mind works on the principles of pleasure and pain.

6.        You seduce others and you have been seduced.

7.        You play the game of parasitic behaviors.

8.        You do these things because you have hidden intent and desires.

9.        Religion separates and divides the human family.

10.     You have formed images and judgments about yourself and others and these are what keep you separate.


 “The human conditioning is a machine which trains you from birth to become something other than what you really are,” concludes Robinson.  “It is a process of filling you up with the requirements of the machine in order to act according to its desires.  You have become a slave and there is a strong pull in everyone to find out if there is a life that exists outside of the machine.  We are having a relationship with each other and the world through hidden intent which is born from seductive and parasitic behavior.  Every generation was taught it and every generation passes it along.  There are very few people who have stopped to ask what is really going on, who want to know what makes this world tick and understand why we do what we do.  These are the people who have looked within themselves and seen their own part in the game and they have refused to play it.

“When you take the blinkers from your eyes you see everything. It might not be a pleasant sight, but it is the truth, and you deserve no less than the absolute truth, because then you are no longer a slave.”

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